Monday, April 25, 2011


HTML, is a hyper text makeup language. It is used to create documents that will appear on the web. Tags and attributes are used in order to creat HTML. The documents start off like  this,<HTML><HEAD> and end with </BODY></HTML>. The amazing part is that there are  hundreds of tags. Website creating comes out of the developement of HTML. It also is constantly being revised to become more modernized with our ever changing technology. 
The short codes make up all of the information that you read on the internet. Often times when people research and look up information on sites they are oblivious to how these texts and even images are formed. Just knowing the basics of HTML allows you to be able to create your own personal webpage.

Internet Parental Control Software

Internet Parental Control Software

Parents and guardians who want to be able to choose what their children should be able to view on the Internet often purchase Internet Parent Control Software. “Safe Eyes” for example, is Internet control software.  It allows the person to decide for them what their child should see on the Internet. This is because there is a lot of websites that young children should not be able to see. Parental control is a type of Internet filter.
Some Parent Control Software can also help you to restrict the time a child is on. Parents can feel a lot safer. Children also now can be free to roam the Internet without seeing something that is inappropriate for them. Internet Parent Control gives parents ease of mine and there is so many programs to chose from.

WIireless network precautions

Wireless network precaution

Wireless networking has many precautions to it. With others being able to

Share your network there is a bigger chance of getting your computer information. WiFi even may risk 

your chances of getting a computer virus. People who use others connections can interfere with their 

personal safety in their computer.
      It is important to change the settings to prevent hackers. Enabling Firewalls on each computer and 

router can help. It is important to not auto connect to open WiFi networks. This exposes your computer to 

security risk. When taking account wireless networking it is very important to be cautious.

Strong Passwords

Strong Password- How to create and use them

Creating a strong password is crucial. Hackers often times hack into computers, use the person’s passwords and access private information. Special characters are important in passwords because it’s harder for hackers to find out. The password should at least be 8 characters and should not be a password that others can easily know. Also, numbers like “1,2,3” after your password are common and make it easier for hackers.
To create a very strong password, you should vary your password, such as upper and lower case letters. Also do not use the same password for all of your private accounts. Overall make sure that your passwords are completely unique. This will make your private information stay private.

Internet Filters

Internet Filters

      Internet filters are a great way of monitoring web content. Internet filters help to manage kids and 

others from viewing inappropriate material. Sites can be blocked as well as be allowed to be access. 

Business computers can also  block websites or programs, for co-workers and specific people that they 

do not want to be be able to view certain material. Internet filters can also block you from suspicious 

websites that can harm your computer.

       Internet filters are helpful to parents and people who are the owners of business if they cannot be 

there to fully watch others on the computer.  Some Internet Filters even have password to eliminate 

the chance of someone changing the filters. It is a way to have complete control of web-based 

activities. Internet filters vary and many of them can be found for free or at very low prices.

Digital Image Steganography

Digital Image Steganography

    Digital Stegonography is used to hide a message, normally in a larger message, which is unknown to others. Stegonography attempts to hide the existence of the message but does not make the information unintelligible. Digital Stegonography has a “carrier” for the message and key. The “carrier” can be a digital image, TCIP/IP or a MP3. A code can be used to decode the hidden message.

   Digital Stegonographic focuses on the data that is replicated, however, these hidden messages do not cause noticeable changes. This is used in graphic files, which contain a number of things. HTML, video, sound files and text files are all examples. The most widely known “stego-image” is the image files. Digital Stegonographic can also be used for people being censored. This information can be found in military, government and even law enforcement.

Computer Forensics

 Computer Forensics
    Computer Forensics is used to show technological activity and digital evidence. There is 

an amount of analytical as well as investigated techniques. Computer Forensics help to not 

only examine but to preserve information. This information is encoded as well as stored 

magnetically. This technique is used in a variety of situations but can also be used in criminal 

investigations. Computer forensics is used to re-track steps taken from data even if the 

person believes that the information is missing or lost.
    This is completely useful because it secures the system. It also can identify and recover all 

files even if you delete them. Computer Forensics is powerful enough that it can access and 

copy temporary files that are protected. The interesting part is that computer forensics is 

used for so many things. A computer system could have failed or stopped working and 

Computer Forensics can help. If an individual is misusing a Computer system computer 

forensics can narrow down on the perprator. Also, people who committed a crime using a 

computer system can be found. system can be found.